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NaNoWriMo Challenge #11 & #12

I’m behind, again . . . so I’ve combined the two together for today.

Write drunk and edit sober.

Allegedly Ernest Hemingway said (wrote?) this, although I didn’t bother to research it and confirm that, so I really don’t know. 

Favorite drink for writing (#12)? My choice of beverage when writing is strictly water and that’s it – so I’m sober no matter what I’m writing. Drinking and or eating sometimes even music is just too distracting and having to manage drink (ice melted so now the drink is too warm, coffee has cooled so now it’s not drinkable), the snacks (crumbs across the keyboard, sticky fingers on the keys), even music at times interrupts the flow of words – um, Amazon Music I’m sure I didn’t choose that to listen to! 

So just try and write and write only. I can carbo load while watching You Tube videos.

However, I think too, that one’s favorite beverage could parley into one’s Self-Care which is #12. I mean who doesn’t have a favorite choice of soda (Pepsi vs. Coke) or enjoys a glass of wine with friends (red or white) and having a relaxing leisure time is a form of Self-Care.

I sort of don’t like the term ‘Self-Care’ because it seems like when it’s brought up its always above and beyond the daily activities of taking care of oneself. It’s almost as if, when someone mentions ‘Self-Care’ I wonder if the assumption is that I am not doing any care at all?

For me ‘Self-Care’ is more like daily habits or reoccurring rituals. Of course, ‘Self-Care’ would be a good habit, not a bad one that we are trying to curb from our behavior.

I guess for me ‘Self-Care’ is just putting me first, recognizing my boundaries and enforcing my boundaries, if necessary, and really not worrying about what everyone else is doing.

‘Self-Care’ is taking time for myself mentally and physically, and more so recognizing my need to write and enjoying that favorite ‘adult beverage’ with family and friends.

Until next time,


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NaNoWriMo Challenge #10

WIP Genre?

Paranormal, which is something I’ve never written before; although, I recently have been reading more and more paranormal, so I thought—why not!

Even with the biggest doubts weighing me down I like to try something new and different outside of my comfort zone.

Writing, I suppose, is like that for me because every time I sit down and I put pen to paper and I write my doubts wear heavy on me, but with the scratch of my pen I slash those doubts to smithereens.

Just, like a paranormal.

Until next time,


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NaNoWriMo Challenge No. 8

Edit as you go or wait?

Well, I’m late. I didn’t have time make time the last few days to do this. So, I thought maybe I’d combine the challenges together but then thought nope! I am going to try to catch up but the next challenge is going to take a bit more research for me. So here’s Wednesday, November 8th NaNoWriMo Challenge a day late!

I like to get the story down when I write. I get in the groove the zone or the ‘fun’ of being within the story I’m writing so because of this I edit afterwards.

Perhaps this is why editing or rewriting maybe is so difficult for me?

Trying to find the right exact perfect word or turn of phrase takes the other side of my brain research and I don’t know a bit more analytical skills then just writing creating a story from scratch.

Also, I like to want to let what I’ve written sort of settle so that I can look it with fresh eyes which helps me really understand my story, the characters motivation and their conflict.

I wish I could edit as I go maybe that’s way, I would be a faster more efficient writer but if there is one thing one element, I know learned about writing is that you me have to must be truthful to yourself with the process otherwise you’ll I’ll never get anything written or rewritten or edited or even done.

Until next time,


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NaNoWriMo Challenge No. 7

NaNo Rebel or Rule Follower?

This one is easy . . .Rebel. Big Time.

I’m notorious for not following directions, whether it be a recipe to cook a meal, the path goggle maps recommend I should take, or how to spend a month writing a book.

And because of this, I’ve never ever completed or won a NaNoWriMo! I always start out strong and then petter out in the end. At first it was because I didn’t have any idea how to write a story, I’d just sit at a blank page and expect inspiration to come – which it did, but then it left just as quickly.

Now, I do sort of plot the story out, but even then, I don’t get the story completed, because I just can’t work on one thing at a time. I mean right now; I’m not writing anything new but rewriting a book that I want to get done before the end of the year. So sure, I’m ‘working’ everyday but I’m not getting the words needed to ‘win’ NaNoWriMo.

I’m carving my own path. Doing it all my way. And I might be a NaNoWriMo Rebel, but I’ve got a cause – to finish my book.

Until next time,


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NaNoWriMo Challenge #6

Fave Writing Snacks?


I start my writing with a full cup of hot coffee and when that’s done I might (or might not) get another. Beyond that, I don’t really like to write and eat. I find it distracting – the eating part. I suppose that’s one of the reasons I don’t do well writing in a coffee house. I want to concentrate just on my writing vs. eating a croissant or cookies or whatever pastries that I saw in their case that I want to try.

I think writing and eating (snacks) is just too much for me to manage. Seriously? Um? Yeah.

It’s the same reason I don’t like to eat and drive. I like to do one thing at a time.

I was never good at multi-tasking even though I have a difficult time concentrating on one thing at time – I always have multiply projects going on at the same time (although I don’t work on them all at the same time) and getting to the completion is a long, hard slough for me.

So how did I get from ‘writing snacks’ to ‘multi-tasking’ . . . I don’t know, maybe I need to go get a snack and think about that one.

Until next time,


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NaNoWriMo Challenge No. 5

Early Bird or Night Owl?

I always thought I was an early bird, but apparently not today.

I meant to get this blog post up earlier, but . . . I could blame it all on daylights savings time, but I should be happy with an extra hour, however, there really isn’t an extra hour in the day. We’ve just adjusted the clocks accordingly and renamed on hour with another. Who are we kidding? An extra hour . . .yeah right!

Anyway, enough about time keeping . . . early bird or night owl is (or should be!) the topic.

I think I’d like to try and be more of a night owl to push through the nighttime hours while everyone in the house is sound asleep but by the end of the day, I’m exhausted. Maybe not so physically exhausted but surely mentally exhausted and so that; why I like to get up early and write before anything else occurs. However, as times change (not just the clock) but me I try to adapt, and my writing process is always changing so ‘Early bird’ or ‘Late Owl’ . . . only time will tell.

Until tomorrow,


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NaNoWriMo Challenge #4

What are your writing rituals?

Rituals give comfort, keep the balance and are habits that we might love to have or might be annoying.

Writing rituals, for me don’t come naturally. I’ve had to force myself to keep any sort of ritual and I’ve tried lots of writing habits over the years and have kept some and tossed.

So below are my top five writing rituals that I have figured out work best for me:

  1. I try and write every day. Even if it’s a few lines or hopefully a word count topping off in more than three digits. I feel better (mentally) getting the words down even if the words I do get down are tossed aside later in a rewrite.
  2. I write by myself. I thought I could be one of those writers that hung out at the local coffee house sipping a brew tapping away on my keyboard – but I’m not. I need to feel ‘safe’ to write and in the local coffee house there are too many people coming and going, too may disjointed conversations swirling around me, and uncomfortable chairs with too small of tables. I do, however, like the frozen slushy coffee drinks!
  3. I need music to write. Usually classical although on the streaming service I subscribe to they’re lots of diverse music options to choose from, and the choices are always changing, too.
  4. My zoom writing group. I know, it sounds like I’m contradicting myself . . . Didn’t you just say you write alone? However, hear me out . . .being involved in a zoom writing group is the best of both worlds: I can write alone from the comfort of my desk, and I get to talk ‘shop’ with other writers. And for me, there is the accountability element of the group which has helped me progress with my writing.
  5. And finally, I walk. Every morning before sitting down to write. It’s a great way to start the day, watching the sun rise, listening to my footsteps on the concrete sidewalk. Every morning walk reminds on how fortunate I am to write.

Until next time,


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NaNoWriMo Challenge Day #3

How do you choose your story idea?

This is a loaded question.

I start with a character and something unique about that character.

For instance:

She owns a fly-fishing store.

She’s got fired from her job and is now trying to get it back.

She owns a horse stable.

She makes custom cowboy boots. 

She suffers from alopecia and sells wigs.

She . . . well, you get the idea. 

Once I think about who the main character is then I work out in my head what her issue is – she has to be fighting for or against or with someone about something that is important to her. Conflict is story! And since I write romance there the main character must fall in love. They may not end up at the alter in a happily ever after way, but they do end up happy, at least for now.

I suppose I’m more of a ‘pantser’ when it comes to choosing my story idea because as I work on it; it changes by growing, stretching, and sometimes just morphing beyond what I had originally envisioned.

I don’t write what I know, which of course is the writing advice that’s constantly thrown around. Why would I want to write what I know – boring! What I do is I write the truth that I know.

So, a woman who owns her fly-fishing store is going to try to prevent it from going into bankruptcy.

A woman who is trying to get her job back isn’t going to be making any commitments until she knows for sure she’s got what she wants.

A woman who owns a horse stable is going to protect her horses, no matter what.

A woman who makes custom cowboy boots isn’t going to take it too lightly having someone tell her how to do her custom work.

A woman who suffers from alopecia isn’t going to expose her baldness unless she feels secure.

Of course, there is a long way from the initial idea to the final story . . . which is what I’m working on now. The first draft of the story is always easy and fun to write . . .it’s the rewrite where the story truly comes into its own and me, as the writer, truly discover what the story is about after being intrigued by that story idea.

Until next time,


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Are you a plotter or a pantser?

This is the question that strikes fear in every new writer: Do you plot? Or do you just wing it all by the seat of your pants?

In other words, tell me please – because apparently enquiring minds want to know? How you are going to classify yourself because your answer to this question is going to define your entire writing career!

No pressure! Yeah . . . right.

When I first started writing, when I ever I got asked this, I just threw myself in the category of panster, not because I necessarily was (or is) a panster but it was just easier to say this. Whereas every time I heard someone say they are a plotter then they are asked about how they plot, what method they use, etc., etc., etc . . .  

Actually, I think these two categories (at least for me) are limiting and extreme. I’m don’t ‘fit’ with the pantsers and the plotters definitely don’t have a seat at the table for me. I’m somewhere in between the two – sort of a hybrid.

I plot out the scenes I defiantly want for my story.  These scenes that hit the moments of the story when the characters realize something new, or they are thwarted and must change directions or there is some revelation.

In-between these key scenes – well that’s where I’m the pantser. And for me, that is where the ‘magic’ begins, where the joy of writing is truly experienced. I’m able to flesh out the story that had been rolling around in my mind, discover who my characters are and like I said, enjoy the process.

So do I consider myself a panster or a plotter.

Nope, just a writer.

Until next time.


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NaNoWriMo Challenge for 2023

The start of NaNoWriMo is tomorrow, November 1st.

I think this might be the third or fourth time I’ve tried to participate in it. I’ve never ‘won’ NaNoWriMo, I’ve gotten close to the final word count but was always short. A few years ago, I did participate in some of their writing meetups, which was fun, but they don’t seem to have those anymore – at least not where I live. Perhaps another casualty of COVID

This year may not be any different, but I’m going in to try these thirty days with the hope that maybe, perhaps, I can get a rough draft of a novel done.

I’m also – keeping our fingers crossed- going to post here each day and do the NaNoWriMo Challenge which is thirty questions about why I’m doing NaNoWriMo but also about my process of writing – you know, those questions you get . . . Are you a plotter or a panther? Favorite writing tools? Write in the morning or late at night? Etc., etc., etc.

So, let’s jump in!

Question No. 1 for the first day is:

What is your work-in-progress (WIP) Working Title?

It’s, A Stranger Amongst Us. And it’s about Grace, a middle-aged woman who commands some pretty, intense sensory powers although she’s not sure why or how she does it – at least at the beginning of the book. She is accused of murder and must reluctantly work with the local detective (who she is attracted to) to clear her name.

So, I think it would fall into the paranormal category or maybe even romantic suspense or romantic paranormal suspense. I can figure that all out later. The odd thing I want to point out is this is not something I would normally read, although I’ve gotten sort of ‘burned out’ on historical, and contemporaries and I guess I just needed something new to read. So, I’ve been reaching for this genre instead.

So let the ‘word smithing’ begin and let’s see how far I can get this month. Hope to be here again tomorrow – fingers crossed!
